692 research outputs found

    A modular, programmable measurement system for physiological and spaceflight applications

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    The NASA-Ames Sensors 2000! Program has developed a small, compact, modular, programmable, sensor signal conditioning and measurement system, initially targeted for Life Sciences Spaceflight Programs. The system consists of a twelve-slot, multi-layer, distributed function backplane, a digital microcontroller/memory subsystem, conditioned and isolated power supplies, and six application-specific, physiological signal conditioners. Each signal condition is capable of being programmed for gains, offsets, calibration and operate modes, and, in some cases, selectable outputs and functional modes. Presently, the system has the capability for measuring ECG, EMG, EEG, Temperature, Respiration, Pressure, Force, and Acceleration parameters, in physiological ranges. The measurement system makes heavy use of surface-mount packaging technology, resulting in plug in modules sized 125x55 mm. The complete 12-slot system is contained within a volume of 220x150x70mm. The system's capabilities extend well beyond the specific objectives of NASA programs. Indeed, the potential commercial uses of the technology are virtually limitless. In addition to applications in medical and biomedical sensing, the system might also be used in process control situations, in clinical or research environments, in general instrumentation systems, factory processing, or any other applications where high quality measurements are required

    Strategic fire and rescue service decision making using evolutionary algorithms

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    This paper describes the development of a novel, risk based method to locate high performance solutions for the deployment of Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) resources, such as fire stations and appliances, using evolutionary algorithms in conjunction with Fire Service Cover Models. Such algorithms allow the relatively rapid identification of areas of good potential solutions by sampling only a small percentage of the total search space. A real example of the use of the software to optimise vehicle locations is presented which identifies significant potential increase in efficiency and effectiveness over the existing vehicle locations

    Dual molecular mechanisms govern escape at immunodominant HLA A2-restricted HIV epitope

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    Serial accumulation of mutations to fixation in the SLYNTVATL (SL9) immunodominant, HIV p17 Gag-derived, HLA A2-restricted CTL epitope produce the SLFNTIAVL triple mutant ‘ultimate’ escape variant. These mutations in solvent-exposed residues are believed to interfere with TCR recognition, although confirmation has awaited structural verification. Here, we solved a TCR co-complex structure with SL9 and the triple escape mutant to determine the mechanism of immune escape in this eminent system. We show that, in contrast to prevailing hypotheses, the main TCR contact residue is 4N and the dominant mechanism of escape is not via lack of TCR engagement. Instead, mutation of solvent exposed residues in the peptide destabilize the peptide-HLA and reduce peptide density at the cell surface. These results highlight the extraordinary lengths that HIV employs to evade detection by high-affinity TCRs with a broad peptide-binding footprint and necessitate reevaluation of this exemplar model of HIV TCR escape

    Judicial Review, Irrationality, and the Legitimacy of Merits-Review

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    The definition of the irrationality ground of judicial review recognises the constitutional principle of the separation of powers, in allowing for judicial control of the executive only very rarely. The author in a previous article in this study found that the courts, on occasions, had intervened in circumstances where administrative decisions arguably were not irrational. To this end, the purpose of this article is to assess the constitutionality of these seemingly low standards of irrationality. The author does so by reference either to the manner of review employed—the use of the proportionality principle, for example—or the context of the administrative decision under scrutiny, such as the infringement of the applicant’s fundamental rights. The author finds that the cases from the previous article where low standards of irrationality were arguably adopted were, in fact, legitimate according to these chosen methods of evaluation. However, this is an interim conclusion because, for reasons of word length, the author is unable to complete a full assessment here. It is therefore proposed that a subsequent article will continue to examine the constitutionality of these cases. Furthermore, the author will also try and establish a zone of executive decision-making, for reasons of democracy, where the courts are excluded from irrationality review. If the author is unsuccessful in this regard, the final conclusion of this study will inevitably be that low standards of judicial intervention exist without limit—a clear assault on the constitutional principle stated above

    Evidence-Based Inventory of Criminal Justice Programs in Nebraska

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    This report is the product of collaborative efforts from the Nebraska Center for Justice Research, the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Criminology and Criminal Justice department at Portland State University. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the importance of using evidence-based practices and programs, examine the quantity and needs addressed by adult criminal justice programs, and provide a snapshot of operating evidence-based programs throughout Nebraska. This report provides findings related to the discovery of programs and a review of branded programs operating in Nebraska. Product 1 – Inventory of Nebraska Programs Hundreds of programs and services are offered throughout Nebraska to assist the adult justice-involved population. The research team gathered a list of these programs through an examination of publicly available online sources on criminal justice agency websites. Hundreds of programs were identified after a review of these sources. Given the substantial quantity of programs, the researchers utilized a methodology to examine the programs and practices most appropriate for review and evaluation. Programs developed in Nebraska, and not yet rigorously evaluated, were determined ineligible for a more extensive review and should be examined in more depth under different guidelines. Upon conclusion of our review determination, the researchers identified 714 eligible programs and services in total. Product 2 – Branded Programming Review After a list was compiled, programs were sorted into two categories: homegrown (621) and branded (93). Peer reviewed research was gathered on the branded programs (frequently used synonymously with ‘evidence-based programs’ or ‘off-the-shelf programs’ 
these are programs that tend to be well-known brand names with research evidence to backing their use). Based on the results of the acquired studies, programs were ranked on their ability to move participants towards desired outcomes, including reducing recidivism, increasing meaningful employment, reducing substance abuse or addiction symptoms, and improving overall health and well-being. Using the ranking criteria located in Table 3, programs were classified as either evidence-based (11), research-based (18), promising-practice (6), consensus-based (13), or no evidence (45). Future Proposed Deliverables – Describe and Review of Program Practices Although this report lays the foundation to encourage more agencies and program providers to adopt evidence-based programs, additional work should examine whether program provider practices are in line with program protocols and otherwise best practices. Therefore, the research team proposes doing a component analysis outlined by Campbell et al. (2018), which includes gathering program manuals and interviewing/ survey program staff to examine if practices are consistent with recommendation

    On the discovery of K-enhanced and possibly Mg-depleted stars throughout the Milky Way

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    Stars with unusual elemental abundances offer clues about rare astrophysical events or nucleosynthetic pathways. Stars with significantly depleted magnesium and enhanced potassium ([Mg/Fe] 1) have to date only been found in the massive globular cluster NGC 2419 and, to a lesser extent, NGC 2808. The origin of this abundance signature remains unknown, as does the reason for its apparent exclusivity to these two globular clusters. Here we present 112 field stars, identified from 454 180 LAMOST giants, that show significantly enhanced [K/Fe] and possibly depleted [Mg/Fe] abundance ratios. Our sample spans a wide range of metallicities (−1.5 < [Fe/H] < 0.3), yet none show abundance ratios of [K/Fe] or [Mg/Fe] that are as extreme as those observed in NGC 2419. If confirmed, the identified sample of stars represents evidence that the nucleosynthetic process producing the anomalous abundances ratios of [K/Fe] and [Mg/Fe] probably occurs at a wide range of metallicities. This would suggest that pollution scenarios that are limited to early epochs (such as Population III supernovae) are an unlikely explanation, although they cannot be ruled out entirely. This sample is expected to help guide modelling attempts to explain the origin of the Mg–K abundance signature

    Association of oily fish intake, sex, age, BMI and APOE genotype with plasma long-chain n-3 fatty acid composition

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    n-3 Fatty acids are associated with better cardiovascular and cognitive health. However, the concentration of EPA, DPA and DHA in different plasma lipid pools differs and factors influencing this heterogeneity are poorly understood. Our aim was to evaluate the association of oily fish intake, sex, age, BMI and APOE genotype with concentrations of EPA, DPA and DHA in plasma phosphatidylcholine (PC), NEFA, cholesteryl esters (CE) and TAG. Healthy adults (148 male, 158 female, age 20–71 years) were recruited according to APOE genotype, sex and age. The fatty acid composition was determined by GC. Oily fish intake was positively associated with EPA in PC, CE and TAG, DPA in TAG, and DHA in all fractions (P≀0·008). There was a positive association between age and EPA in PC, CE and TAG, DPA in NEFA and CE, and DHA in PC and CE (P≀0·034). DPA was higher in TAG in males than females (P<0·001). There was a positive association between BMI and DPA and DHA in TAG (P<0·006 and 0·02, respectively). APOE genotype×sex interactions were observed: the APOE4 allele associated with higher EPA in males (P=0·002), and there was also evidence for higher DPA and DHA (P≀0·032). In conclusion, EPA, DPA and DHA in plasma lipids are associated with oily fish intake, sex, age, BMI and APOE genotype. Such insights may be used to better understand the link between plasma fatty acid profiles and dietary exposure and may influence intake recommendations across population subgroups

    Through a Glass, Darkly:The CIA and Oral History

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    This article broaches the thorny issue of how we may study the history of the CIA by utilizing oral history interviews. This article argues that while oral history interviews impose particular demands upon the researcher, they are particularly pronounced in relation to studying the history of intelligence services. This article, nevertheless, also argues that while intelligence history and oral history each harbour their own epistemological perils and biases, pitfalls which may in fact be pronounced when they are conjoined, the relationship between them may nevertheless be a productive one. Indeed, each field may enrich the other provided we have thought carefully about the linkages between them: this article's point of departure. The first part of this article outlines some of the problems encountered in studying the CIA by relating them to the author's own work. This involved researching the CIA's role in US foreign policy towards Afghanistan since a landmark year in the history of the late Cold War, 1979 (i.e. the year the Soviet Union invaded that country). The second part of this article then considers some of the issues historians must confront when applying oral history to the study of the CIA. To bring this within the sphere of cognition of the reader the author recounts some of his own experiences interviewing CIA officers in and around Washington DC. The third part then looks at some of the contributions oral history in particular can make towards a better understanding of the history of intelligence services and the CIA
